Wifi & ICT

The campus is served with dedicated leased lines with adequate bandwidth for internet access. We allow access to personal content such video and voice streaming and social media but we cap it at certain limit while giving priority to critical systems such as e-University, online classroom and so on. Wifi Coverage – covered throughout campus. For student and visitors, please use Inceif-student for any devices. For staff, you can use inceif or inceif-VIP for laptops while inceif-VIP for other devices (phone & tablet) The network key is obtainable from ICT personnel.

How do we manage our bandwidth?

  • We cap & block certain traffic
    • Video & Voice streaming (Mpeg-4)
    • Youtube
    • Facebook
    • Windows update
    • P2P & Torrent – total blockage
  • We give priority to certain traffic
    • Online classroom (webinar)
    • Critical systems (e-University, ERP)
    • Certain personnel
  • We monitor the user & traffic (if necessary)
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  • Abuse the bandwidth by accessing traffic that you’re not supposed to...
  • Remember that when you abuse, you are taking away your fellow student, lecturer, staff capacity to access the “right” traffic