Our Milestones – INCEIF

Our Milestones

The establishment of INCEIF was started in 2005 which
elevates the quality of Islamic studies at a high level in this country


Established on 20 Dec 2005 by Bank Negara Malaysia as part of the MIFC initiative


Conferred University status on 6 November 2006


June 2007, 1st intake of 32 Chartered Islamic Finance Professional (CIFP) students. The CIFP is recognised as equivalent to a Masters degree by the Malaysian Qualifications Agency (MQA)


30 May 2007, INCEIF confers Honorary Doctorate to tycoon Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal


January 2008, 1st student intake for PhD in Islamic Finance.


June 2008, 1st student intake for Master of Science in Islamic Finance (MSc).


16 February 2009 INCEIF Inaugural Convocation with 38 CIFP graduates.



10 August 2009 Accorded Project of National Interest Status (Projek Berkepentingan Negara) by YAB PM/MOF.


23 October 2010

INCEIF conferred Doctor of Science (Islamic Banking) Honoris causa to Islamic Development Bank President HE Dr Ahmed Mohammed Ali Al-Madani at its second convocation.



November 2011, INCEIF signed MoA with the Islamic Corporation for the Development of the Private Sector, the private sector arm of the Islamic Development Bank, to address the global shortage of Islamic finance professionals.


April 2012, INCEIF signed MoU with the World Bank becoming the 3rd University in the world to become Bank’s partner.


June 2012, Official opening of INCEIF new campus at Lorong Universiti A, Kuala Lumpur.



September 2012, BNP Paribas CIWM was setup to support the growth of the Islamic Wealth industry.


November 2012, INCEIF initiated its AACSB International accreditation process.


February 2013

INCEIF Chancellor Tan Sri Dr Zeti Akhtar Aziz launched books co-edited & written by INCEIF Faculty.


September 2013

INCEIF First Holder of Islamic Finance Chair Professor Abbas Mirakhor is joined by former Archbischop of Canterbury Dr Rowan Williams to speak on Ethical Economics.


September 2013

1st student intake for INCEIF Industrial PhD in Islamic Finance.


June 2014

The CIFP was replaced with the new and enhanced programme, Masters of Islamic Finance Practice (MIFP).

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