Congrats Assoc Prof Dr Sa‘id Adekunle Mikail On Being Appointed As Shariah Board Member of IsDB – INCEIF

Congrats Assoc Prof Dr Sa‘id Adekunle Mikail On Being Appointed As Shariah Board Member of IsDB


Kuala Lumpur, 12 Oct 2023 – INCEIF University is pleased to announce the appointment of Assoc Prof Dr Sa‘id Adekunle Mikail as a member of the Shariah Board of The Islamic Development Bank (IsDB). Dr Mikail is a Senior Researcher at INCEIF’s research arm, ISRA Research Management Centre.

IsDB Group is a multilateral development bank, headquartered in Saudi Arabia, dedicated to enhancing the social and economic development of its 57-member countries, including Malaysia, and Muslim communities in non-member countries. Its development financing reaches people across four continents, impacting the lives of 1 in 5 of the world’s population.

Dr Mikail is an AAOIFI Certified Shariah Advisor and Auditor and a Registered Shariah Adviser with Securities Commission of Malaysia, a Member of Chartered Institute of Arbitrators UK and Member of AAOIFI Working Group of the Curriculum Review Committee. He is the Chairman of several Shariah Boards including BNP Paribas (Najmah) Malaysia Berhad & BNP Paribas Labuan, Crown Takaful Insurance Ltd, Capital Trust and D’Namaz Capital in Nigeria. He also sits as Shariah Committee Member of TAJBank Ltd, PruBSN Takaful Malaysia Berhad, i-Consult Africa in South Africa, Masryef Management House in Malaysia, and Marble Capital Halal Commodity.

His areas of specialisation include Islamic finance, Islamic social finance, comparative laws, and Islamic private equity & venture capital. His publications focus on Shariah issues in Islamic finance, Islamic legal theory, Islamic private equity & venture capital, Islamic entrepreneurship, comparative law, zakat, waqf and Islamic social finance. He has also published in several Scopus indexed journals, referee journals, magazines, and book chapters. He has presented many papers in both international and national seminars and conferences on Islamic finance and contemporary Shariah issues.

Dr Mikail obtained his Bachelor’s degree of Shariah (first class honour) from Islamic University of Madinah in Saudi Arabia, followed by Master of Comparative Laws and PhD (Law) from International Islamic University Malaysia.

INCEIF is honoured to have its faculty members being recognised for their respective expertise and contributions, particularly by a multilateral organisation of IsDB’s stature.



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